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Расk of life

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The release form: Coral-Mine, Activin, Assimilator

Name in ENG: Расk of life


  • Pack of Life in Coral Club England UK

    Pack of Life is a unique set of products that are chosen to satisfy daily bodily requirements in micro and macro nutrients. The Pack of Life set from Coral Club includes:

  • Coral Mine is a rich source of minerals in the most bioavailable pico-ionic form of organic origin. It improves water quality, by slightly increasing pH and optimising electron charge in the water, making it negatively charged and thereby improving the water absorption and water soluble toxins elimination. Coral Mine provides the body with 73 minerals that are essential for a healthy body. Good levels of these minerals prevent many chronic conditions and support heart function, joint flexibility, bone density, healthy skin, nails and hair. To find out more about Coral Mine click here. 

    ActiVin is a rich source of the best natural antioxidants and extracts researched so far, to maintain good immunity and bodily daily detox such as: vitamin C, zinc, vitamin E, royal jelly, selenium, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, copper, green tea, milk thistle, gingko biloba, grape seed extract, inulin and other important ingredients. To find out more about ActiVin.

    Assimilator is a combination of live enzymes such as amylase, cellulase, lactase, brumelanin, lipase and many others that work synergistically to break down foods into their basic building blocks; thereby facilitating absorption in the intestine. Lack of enzymes is linked to many chronic conditions, premature ageing and a poorly functioning digestive system which results in constipation, leaky gut, inflammation, excessive gas and indigestion.

    Assimilator provides great support for your digestive and overall health, anyone would benefit from supplementing with enzymes on daily basis, but enzymes are especially beneficial for people with digestive disorders such as IBS, constipation and bloating. To find out more about Assimilator click here.

  • The Pack of Life set it is a great combination of products that can be used by anyone and  at any season. The Pack of Life set supports the immune system, digestive system and lymphatic system by excreting water soluble toxins and proper cell hydration. 

    These products will improve your feeling of wellbeing, protect you from premature ageing and are a good start to maintain and reinforce your body’s performance. 

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